Kileyath Rehabilitation Clinic advanced Occupational Therapy Centre
​Contact Us: +91 9790360836,9626449393
Email ID: krcaot@gmail.com
Children's and Adult
Occupational therapy Rehabilitation

The KRCAOT is a strong believer in Impacting lives of differently abled by merging them socially and physically with the rest of the Society.

Speech &
Language Enhancement
Learning Disability
Child Counseling
Behavioral Therapy
Children's with Speech impairment are provided with constant and effective cognitive activities, which induces the speech area in the Brain.
We are specialized in providing non-verbal and verbal communication ,pre-requisites, adapting the setting ,educating-partnering-advocating for the child and occupation-based intervention.
We help Children to gain independent and develop new skills to enable participation in daily activities such as
Self care, play and Learning.
We help with the barriers that affects a child's emotional , social and physical needs. Being a OT we help in kids play, improve their social performance and aid their daily activities.
As a Occupational therapist we are task oriented looking at the specific functions that aren't being performed are engaged well. And also look across different tasks of situations to identify problematic Behavioral issues.
Psychiatry Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
We engage in the mental health rehabilitation by focusing on Individuals to re-engage in meaningful occupation through various skills such as establishing positive habits, skills development ,daily routines, working according to the goals using cognitive Behavioral techniques, and understanding their physiological influences.
KRCAOT helps children gain independence and also strengthens the development of fine motor skills, sensory motor skills and ,visual motor skills that children need to function and socialize. Also promotes a child's development through activities and KRCAOT plays an important role in identifying early signs of mental health disorders.
Stroke and Head Injury Rehabilitation
We work to facilitate and improve motor control and hand function in the stroke affected upper limb. Further we improve person's ability to undertake their own personal self care and domestic task and also address the physical, cognitive and emotional challenges.
OT practitioners play a vital role in assisting individual with Brain injury to re- integrate back into the community with their maximal functional ability.

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28,Phase 1,South avenue road,Sathuvachari,Vellore district-632009